Terms and Conditions of Competition

Terms and conditions
ML in PL: AI Art Competition 2024
Rules of The AI ART COMPETITION as part of the ML in PL AI Art Festival 2024 (hereinafter, the “Rules of the AI ART Competition”)


  1. The primary organizer of the ML In PL Art Festival and associated Competition is ML in PL Association, Plac Bankowy 2, 00-095 Warsaw, KRS number: 0000754960, REGON: 381658081, NIP: 1182183164 (the” ML in PL”) (hereinafter, the “Organizer”)


  1. The AI ART Competition (the “Competition”) aims to select works in the field of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, which will be presented at ML in PL AI Art Festival 2024 (the “Festival”). During the Festival the best selected works will be awarded the Festival Prize, the Students’ Prize and the Honorable Mentions.
  2. The Competition consists of two phases:
    I. Call for Contribution phase (the “Call for Contribution”) – participants are invited to send their works until 30.09.2024, 23:59 (AoE) and the representatives of the Organizer will select works for inclusion in the exhibition during the Festival. The Organizer will contact all selected works’ authors by 13.10.2024 and publicly announce the selection results on that date – the rules of this phase are described in the § 4 and § 5 of the Rules of the AI ART Competition.
    II. Exhibition phase (the “Exhibition”) – selected works will be displayed during 31.10.2024-10.11.2024 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw’s public exhibition space, as part of a free of charge exhibition accompanying the 2024 ML in PL AI Art Festival. Each exhibited work will participate in the competition for the Festival Prize, the Students’ Prize and the Honorable Mention – the rules of this phase are described in the § 7 and § 8 of the Rules of the AI ART Competition.


  1. The Call for Contribution is open to artworks in the form of image, video, sculpture, installation, performance, augmented reality experience, virtual reality experience and combination of the aforementioned (the “Project”).
  2. The Project must relate to the theme of AI, in particular using or engaging with the tools, methods or concepts of artificial intelligence.
  3. The Project cannot be made entirely by AI without the use of the creative human factor. During the evaluation of the Project, the jury of Call for Contribution is entitled to verify the creative factor of the Participant, in particular by asking the Participant additional questions about the Project or by having the Participant explain the mechanism of creation of the Project. If the Participant refuses to answer or explain, the Participant will be disqualified.
  4. The Project may be published previously, in particular on social media, in the press or in any other way made public.
  5. The Project may be incomplete at submission but must be ready for display at the Exhibition. If the Project will be included in the Exhibition, the Participant is obliged to ensure that the finished work is delivered to the Organizer by 25.10.2024. The Project may be delivered in person or sent to the address the Organizer will provide later by email. If Participant fails to submit finished work by the aforementioned date, the Participant will be disqualified.


  1. The registration for the Competition will be open from 01.08.2024 and end on 30.09.2024, 23:59 (AoE).
  2. Registration for the Call for Contribution takes place via the registration form in the Call for Contribution section available at: https://aiart.mlinpl.org/ (the “Website”).
  3. In order to participate in the Competition, the Participant is obliged to submit the registration form on the Website (the “Form”) through which the Participant provides:
    • a) Personal data, such as the name, surname of the Participant or team leader, e-mail address
    • b) Optionally theirs bio, resume and social media / website links
    • c) A documentation of the Project, which consists of 3 elements:
      • 1) Short video presentation (max 3 minutes) presenting and explaining the Project. This video will be displayed during the awards ceremony at the Exhibition in case of winning.
      • 2) Text document explaining the concept / idea behind the Project and how it’s related to the topic of the Competition (min. 100 words).
      • 3) Documentation of the Project creation process and specifications of how to run / display the artwork. This may include: text document describing the process, gallery of in-progress photos, link to code repository. This document should also describe any special / additional requirements of showing the Project.

    These 3 elements of documentation should be provided as a shareable Google Drive link accessible to the Organizer.

    • d) Consent declaration to the Organizer’s processing of the content of the Call for Contribution in connection for the purposes of the Exhibition and (if applicable) the Competition.
    • e) Declaration of having read and accepted the content of these Regulations and of joining the Competition on the terms specified therein;
  4. Applications are accepted using the Form from the moment it is published on the website on 01.08.2024 until 30.09.2024, 23:59 (AoE).
  5. Participants send their application by completing the Form in accordance with the instructions available at the Website.


  1. The Call for Contribution is one-staged.
  2. Only natural persons, who have full capacity for legal acts on the territory of Poland can participate in the Call for Contribution.
  3. Participation in the Call for Contribution is possible for any person or group of persons. The group will be treated as a single participant (the “Participant”).
  4. Participant is bound by the Terms of Participation described in the Rules of AI ART Competition.
  5. The Participant must be legally able to receive a monetary benefit in the event of winning a prize during the Exhibition.
  6. The participant must provide and agree for the Organizer to process its personal data. Participation in the Competition and related data sharing is completely voluntary. The exact information on the processing of personal data is described in § 11 of the Rules of AI ART Competition.


  1. The Projects submitted to the Call for Contribution will be evaluated by the Jury consisting of curators, art critics and AI researchers, compromising:
    a) three persons selected by ML in PL
    b) one person selected by Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (“the ASP”)
    c) one person selected by Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (“the Museum”) (the “Jury”)

  2. The Jury will evaluate the Projects according to the following criteria:
    a) Relevance – the Project should reflect on the topic of the future of AI and its future impact on our world.
    b) Deep understanding of AI - both from technical and social/political/economical perspectives.
    c) Integration of AI in the creative process – the Project should utilize AI techniques in the process of artwork creation.
    d) Artistic and technical execution – the Organizer values the Project with high artistic value and attention to detail.
    e) Documentation and presentation – the Project should include clear documentation explaining the concept, creation process and AI’s role, aiding the Jury and potential Exhibition viewers’ understanding.
    f) Creative element – the Project should be the result of the Participant’s creative work, therefore the Organizer will judge both the project itself and the way it was created, as described by the Participant.
  3. Examples of topic that Participant could cover in the Project:
    a) Probable AI development paths
    b) Previously AI models were restricted to structured datasets, now AI models learn by reading blog posts online or watching videos. How can future AI models observe and perceive even a wider part of reality and our lives?
    c) Can AI model learn abstract thinking or creativity, or do they just give answers that are most plausible by their experience of perceiving the world? How can we make a truly creative AI model?
    d) How will the development in hardware influence AI?
    e) Will machine learning still be the unquestioned “king” of AI? What about other fields of AI?
    f) What are the potential limits of AI models that they will never overcome?
  4. The Jury will select the Projects that will participate in the Exhibition no later than 13.10.2024.
  5. The author of the selected Project will be informed of the results of the Call for Contribution by e-mail.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Competition in case:
    a) when no Project is submitted.
    b) when none of the submitted Projects fulfils the conditions of the Rules of the Call for Contribution described in the Rules of the AI Competition.
    c) if the artistic level of the Projects is unsatisfactory.


  1. The Exhibition is closed only for Projects selected by the Jury.
  2. The Projects for inclusion in the Exhibition will be selected and publicly announced on the Website no later than 13.10.2024.
  3. The Participant, whose Project was selected to the Exhibition (the “Finalist”) will be invited to:
    a) attend and participate in the exhibition’s opening at the Academy of Fine Arts on 31.10.2024.
    b) attend and actively participate in the exhibition closing and award ceremony at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw on 09.11.2024.
  4. The Finalist must confirm taking part in the Exhibition no later than 17.10.2024 via email ai-art@mlinpl.org. In the event of the Finalist consisting of a group of persons, the Finalist is obliged to choose its representatives up to a maximum of two individuals, who will represent the Finalist at the Exhibition. The personal details of the Finalist’s representatives must be notified to the ML in PL by e-mail within 7 days from being informed of the selection of the Project for the Exhibition.
  5. The Project must be complete for display at the Exhibition. If the Project is not finished by the time of the Exhibition, the Finalist will be disqualified.
  6. The Finalist is obliged to participate in the process of including their work in the Exhibition. If the Project cannot be displayed at the Exhibition in accordance with its submitted specification, the Organizer reserves the right to rescind its inclusion in the Exhibition.
  7. The Finalist is obliged to cover the costs of delivering the Project to the Exhibition, preparing the Project at the Exhibition venue, and allowing the viewers of the Exhibition to experience the Project.
  8. ML in PL provides reimbursement of the Finalist’s travel and transport costs of the Project to the Exhibition up to the amount of 500 PLN. The aforementioned amount of reimbursement may be increased by the ML in PL at a later stage, of which the Participant will be informed by e-mail.
  9. In order to receive the aforementioned reimbursement, the Finalist should notify ML in PL by 22.11.2024 via email ai-art@mlinpl.org. ML in PL will notify the Finalist via email of the amount of reimbursement granted and the terms of receipt.


  1. The founder of the prizes in the Exhibition is ML in PL (the “Founder”).
  2. The following prizes are awarded in the Exhibition:
    a) Festival Prizes including:
    1) the First Place Prize of amount of 5000 PLN
    2) the Second Place Prize of amount of 3000 PLN
    3) the Third Place Prize of amount of 1000 PLN (the “Festival Prize”)

    b) Students’ Prize of amount of 1000 PLN (the “Students’ Prize”)
    c) Honorable mentions (the “Honorable Mention”) (altogether the “the Prizes”)

  3. There can be no ex aequo places in the Competition – only one Project can be the winner of a particular Prize, with the exception of the Honorable Mentions.
  4. The final results of Prizes will be announced during the Awards Ceremony which takes place in the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (Wybrzeze Kosciuszkowskie 22, 00-390 Warsaw) on 09.10.2024 (the “Awards Ceremony”).
  5. The Festival Prize and the Honorable Mentions will be awarded by a jury consisting of five members:
    a) 3 representatives of ML in PL*
    b) 1 representative of ASP*
    c) 1 representative of MSN* (the “Exhibition Jury”)

  6. In case of The Festival Prize and the Honorable Mentions final decision made by the Exhibition Jury will be based both on the initial application (during the Call for Contributions and judging criteria described in the § 6 of the Rules of the AI ART Competition) as well as on the Project presentation during the Exhibition. The Exhibition Jury will evaluate the displayed artworks, with the objective of making a final decision based on the aforementioned.
  7. The Students’ Prize will be awarded by the student body of ASP by a secret ballot (the “Vote”). The Vote will be organized among viewers of the Exhibition – every viewer entering the venue of the Exhibition will receive a ballot with a list of the Projects in the Exhibition and an indication of their creators - Participants. Votes will be collected until 08.11.2024. The Project with the highest number of votes will be the winner of the Students’ Prize. The votes will be counted by the Awards Ceremony.
  8. The Prize will be credited to the winners’ accounts within 30 working days from the Awards Ceremony via bank transfer or via voucher. The Organizer will contact awarded Finalists to confirm the data necessary to transfer the Prize.
  9. It is not possible to transfer the right to the Prize to third parties. It is not possible to give up part of the Prize. Resignation from the part of the Prize is tantamount to resignation from the entire Prize.
  10. In the event of the Finalist resignation from the Prize, the Organizer reserves the right to award the Prize to another Participant appointed by the Exhibition Jury or not to grant it at all.
  11. The Organizer has the right to verify the personal details of the Finalist at the time of issuing the Prize in order to identify the Finalist, as well as to confirm their age. Before the Prize is awarded, the Finalist may be obliged to present an appropriate document.
  12. The Founder, as a payer of flat-rate income tax for natural persons, will calculate and pay to the competent Tax Office a flat-rate income tax due on account of winning before issuing the Prize to Finalist.


  1. The Competition will be announced by 01.08.2024 on the Website.
  2. Deadline for submission of Projects to the Call for Contribution by 30.09.2024, 23:59 (AoE).
  3. Announcement of the Call of Contribution results by 13.10.2024, 23:59 (AoE).
  4. The Exhibition 31.10.2024-10.11.2024.
  5. The Award Ceremony 09.11.2024.


  1. Complaints regarding the course of the Competition may be submitted by Participants to the following e-mail address of ML in PL: ai-art@mlinpl.org.
  2. Complaint should contain the name and surname of the Participant, as well as a detailed description and indication of the reason for the complaint.
  3. Complaints will be considered by ML in PL within 14 days of their submission.
  4. The Participant will be notified of the consideration of the complaint by email within 7 days of the consideration of the complaint.


  1. The Organizer is a controller of Participants’ personal data.
  2. The personal data will be processed for the purpose of handling the entries and the conduct of the Competition in accordance with the Rules of the AI ART Competition, for the investigation or protection against claims and for the purpose of fulfilling the legal obligations incumbent on the controllers.
  3. Participants’ personal data may be shared with subcontractors, in connection with the organization of the Competition and the announcement of the winner, as well as with entities entitled to receive Participants’ personal data under the law. Whenever your data is shared, we will ensure that only the minimum necessary information is shared.
  4. Any questions regarding the processing of personal data by the joint controllers may be addressed by data subjects to the Organizer by correspondence or email: ai-art@mlinpl.org.
  5. The Participants’ personal data will be stored until the end of the Competition, and the winners’ personal data for the period until the Prize is collected and for the period of limitation of claims that may arise from participation in the Competition. The personal data of the winners may be kept for a longer period if required by applicable record keeping laws.
  6. Participants in the Competition have the right to:
    a) request access to their personal data;
    b) request the rectification of their personal data;
    c) request the deletion of their personal data;
    d) request the restriction or objection of the processing of their personal data;
    e) request portability of their personal data.
  7. Participants have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (PUODO), if the processing of their personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR.
  8. The provision of personal data by Participants is voluntary but necessary to participate in the Competition.


  1. With the confirmation of the Finalist’s participation in the Exhibition, the Finalist grants ML in PL the license (the “License”) to use the Project until the end of the Competition in all known fields of exploitation, especially:  
    a) in terms of recording and multiplication of the Project - production of copies by any technique, including printing, reprography, magnetic recording and digital technique, as well as in multimedia networks, including the Internet, on any data carriers; 
    b) dissemination of the Project - public exhibition, display, and making the work available to the public in such a way that everyone can have access to it at a place and time of their own choosing, including in telecommunications and computer networks or in connection with the provision of telecommunications services, including - with the use of interactive services for this purpose; 
    c) transfer or transmission of the records of the Project, including the copies produced by any technique, between computers, servers and users (beneficiaries), other recipients, by any means and techniques; without any time and territorial restrictions

  2. The License is:
    a) non-exclusive (the same license and a similar license may also be granted by the Finalist to other entities);
    b) non-transferable (the License is granted exclusively to ML in PL, which may not transfer the License in whole or in part or sub-license it to any other entity);
    c) revocable (the License may be terminated in the event of renunciation of the Prize or in the event of excluding the Finalist from the Competition);
    d) limited (The Project may only be used for the period necessary to perform Competition and later only for marketing and informational purposes);
    e) limited to the territory of the EU, given the supra-territorial nature of the Internet.
  3. The Finalist authorizes ML in PL to dispose of and use the works constituting the development of the Project, to the extent indicated in point. 1 above.
  4. The Finalist authorizes ML in PL to exercise derivative rights to the Project, including its development and modification, granting permission to third parties to do so in the Licence’s scope.
  5. The Finalist agrees not to exercise personal copyright in the Project against ML in PL, its successors in title and other entities entitled to use the Project by ML in PL. 


  1. The Organizer will make all reasonable effort to exhibit the Finalist’s Project with specifications indicated in the submission and Finalists’ later input.
  2. In case of Finalist’s objections to the placement of the Project at the Exhibition, a complaint should be made in accordance with the procedure described in § 10 of the Rules of AI ART Competition.
  3. The Organizer is not responsible for the impossibility of transferring the Prize for reasons attributable to the Finalist, in particular in the event of changing their data about which the Organizer was not informed.
  4. The Organizer shall not be liable for any infringement of the copyrights of third parties by the application obtained from the Participants.


  1. By applying to take part in the Competition, the Participant is tantamount to acceptance of the Rules of AI ART Competition.
  2. The Rules of the AI ART Competition are the only document defining the rules of the Competition. Any information about the Competition contained in advertising materials, including social media, is for information purposes only.
  3. The Rules of the AI ART Competition are public and will be made available to Participants through the Website.
  4. The cost of preparing and submitting the Project shall be borne solely by the Participant of the Competition, subject to § 7 point 8 and 9 of the Rules of AI ART Competition.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude from the Competition a Participant whose actions are contrary to the law or the Rules of the AI ART Competition, in particular a Participant who:
    a. submits to the Competition a Project that is not Participant’s own;
    b. submits to the Contest a Project created only with the use of software that uses AI to generate graphics, which do not contain the creative element of the Project in the sense of § 3 point 3 and § 6 point 2 letter f) of the Rules of AI ART Competition.
  6. In matters not regulated by the Rules of the AI ART Competition, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code apply.
  7. Contact in matters related to the Competition:
    a. ML in PL: ai-art@mlinpl.org